My favourite bands/artists!

My all time favourite artists really vary, from brutal slamming death metal to reggae, I really try make my music diverse. Overall though, metal music is my favourite. My favourite artists include :

David Bowie
Party Cannon
Iron Maiden
Cannibal Corpse
Black Sabbath
The Beach Boys
Bob Marley

However, I listen to far much more. I have many playlists, but my 2 main ones are this one on Spotify and this one on YouTube. I prefer the Spotify playlist though.
My favourite metal subgenres are :

  1. Death Metal
  2. Slam Metal
  3. Heavy Metal
  4. Thrash Metal
  5. Grindcore

    My favourite albums!

    I'll try update this weekly if i remember, maybe earlier, but these are some of my favourite albums and what I love most about them.

    The Sound of Perseverence may as well be my favourite album, It's a struggle to choose, even within Death's own discography. I must say though, it is a 10/10 album. Scavenger of Human Sorrow is a great intro track, Flesh and the Power it Holds is a 10/10 song from the intro, the vocals and the midsection, Voice of the Soul is one of the best tracks ive heard in general, a beautifully composed instrumental with an acoustic guitar and 2 lead guitars over it. The vocals are way higher than their album 3 years back, Symbolic, but it fits well. This makes me need to talk about debatably the best song on the album, the cover of Judas Preist's "Painkiller". It's very obviously Painkiller, you can hear from the drum intro and guitars, but one of the things I love most about this are the piercingly sharp vocals. The first thing after the drum intro is Chuck giving a loud as shit scream, which his vocals are extremely high, the low ends (like in the chorus) are still high for Death's standards. I love this album dearly and it may be Death's best album. Only one that makes me question is Symbolic.

    The final and best Nirvana album, it's truely a musical masterpiece. May not be that technical, extremely game changing or extremely emotional but it sounds great and thats all I care. It houses many of my favourite Nirvana tracks, such as the bittersweet "Pennyroyal Tea", the really groovy "Very Ape", the noisy but groovy "Tourettes", the sombrely awesome "Frances Farmers Will Get Her Revenge on Seattle", the controversy starting but extremely great "Rape Me" and the most popular song of the album "Heart Shaped Box". The albums so good some of the B-sides are better than some of the actual tracks, including the song recorded with Dave Grohl on vocals and apparently the one song Kurt wasn't in recording for, "Marigold" and a generally good song of "I Hate Myself and Want to Die", which I assume was named off of the original name Kurt had for the album. I generally love this album, nearly every song being a 10/10, only negatives being some songs didn't quite hit as hard as they should have. Overall, I love this album.

    The first studio album from Party Cannon (if you'll stand by Partied In Half not counting to that as it's an EP) and debatably their best. Their first song, "Russian Zombie Smack (Krokodil)" starts the album with a couple splashed and a hihat. And after that nearly a minute straight of some fuckoff breakdown. One of the fucking coolest ways to start off a first album in my honest opinion. Many songs we know and love from the EP appear, such as "There's a Reason You're Single" and "Battle of the Spidermen" and new songs appear, like "Jack vs the Exotic Crustacean" and "Screech Even Sold His Body to Science". Screech starts with what I feel is undebatably the best intro sample in their career, this in my opinion is because of the tone the audio sets, what in itself is a perfect sample, but its enhanced further with between the sample one of their heaviest instrumentals start to play. It's only really contented by "Nauseating and Unpalatable", "The Dirty Bubble", "Ducttaped to a Flagpole" and "There's A Reason You're Single (Bong Hit ver.)" Chris Ryan's godlike bass ability shows hugely on this album. The vocals may also be the best on any album they've released, and some of the Cannon's heaviest and filthiest slams are housed here. I think my biggest complaint is how they removed the solo on The Battle of the Spidermen, It was beautiful and the best part of the song. Overall, it's a 10/10 album.